Copper Island

The Copper Island mineral claims are located approximately 15 kilometers north of Campbell River, BC. The Copper Island property features a cluster of small to medium size (several thousand tonnes) copper and silver bearing mineral occurrences that collectively, constitute a large resource of high-grade copper (silver is associated with the copper mineralization). Cu-Ag bearing mineralization within the property is hosted in basaltic/andesitic volcanic rocks of the Lower-Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation (volcanic hosted Cu-redbed deposit type). Copper-silver bearing minerals include chalcocite, with minor occurrences of chalcopyrite, bornite, native copper, cuprite, malachite and azurite.

Copper-silver bearing mineralization occurs in amygdaloidal basaltic lava flows. Mineralization is classified as volcanic redbed copper deposit type (fault-breccia-fracture fill mineralization hosted in lava flows in submarine environment). Regional controls include extensional fault structures associated with mafic tuffs and stacked deposits at several stratigraphic intervals separated by barren basalt characterized by amygdales and veinlets of quartz-calcite-prehnite alteration. Mineralization occurs as replacement of amygdales, within veins, fracture filling and disseminations. Faulting and minor brecciation are associated with the mineralized zones.

Overlying the mineralized flow is a homogeneous medium-coarse grained dense homogeneous basaltic to andesitic composition volcanic flow (and minor volcaniclastic component). Considerable previous work has been performed on the Pomeroy Group copper-silver bearing mineralization. The first recorded mining in the project area was in 1906- 1907, when high grade ores from the Copper Cliff deposit were mined from an adit in the cliff face and shipped to a smelter at Ladysmith B.C. The next period of activity was between 1915 and 1919 when ores from the Pomeroy area were mined by the Valdez Copper Company and shipped to the smelter at Anyox B.C. Samples from the Senator claim in the Pomeroy area were tested for Radium in 1922. Testing was done on siliceous carbonaceous thin-bedded sediments with an electroscope. the instrument used to detect radioactivity at that time. No radioactivity was detected. In 1929 the Pomeroy area was acquired as the Hercules 1-10 Claims by the Hercules Consolidated Mining Smelting and Power Company. Samples collected by Gunning identified acid leachable vanadium which contain the highest V values in a black siliceous sediment, overlying a copper mineralized flow. In 1952-53, Dodge Copper Mines Limited carried out a detailed exploration program of trenching and diamond drilling. Dodge Copper Mines drilled 145 holes totaling 8800 feet on various deposits. The Quadra Mining Company acquired the property in 1968. In 2011, the Pomeroy Group of mineral claims were acquired by Copper Island Mines Ltd. A program of geochemical sampling was carried out and identified several zones of high-grade copper located in the Pomeroy 1-4 mineralized zones, as well as new showings adjacent to the known occurrences.

Rock samples 23CIR-3 to 6

(averaging 5.93 % Cu) were taken from the west part of the Pomeroy 1 zone contains an average of: 33 % oxide Cu, 65.4% sulphide Cu, & 1.6 % residual Cu (native copper).

Rock samples 23CIR-7 to 8

(averaging 9.06 % Cu) taken from the east part of the Copper Bell zone contains an average of: 22 % oxide Cu, 76.5 % sulphide Cu, & 1.5 % residual Cu (native copper).

The following list describes the various British Columbia Ministry of Energy Mines and Carbon Reduction occurrences located within Copper Island mineral claims.

All mineral resource estimates, although completed by qualified geologists of their day, are not NI 43-101 compliant and are historical in nature.


Area is highly disturbed from pervious workings with blasted material covering up most of the bedrock. There is a 4m long x 3m wide x 3m deep pit. Neighboring outcrop is light-dark green fgr mafic with angular clastic fragments of quartz, epidote, chlorite up to 1cm in a fine grained matrix. There are amygdules present however the majority are angular. This indicates a fault zone breccia or possible pyroclastic flow west of the main pit, in the forest are a series of small trenches (3m x 2m) and blast sites with visible blebs of chalcocite up to 2cm. Malachite staining seen throughout blasted rock. Area of bedrock open cuts with observed mineralization is 25m x 15m. Historic estimates for Pomeroy 1 mineral zone are 16,500 short tons @3.67% Cu


East of Pomeroy 1 there is a normal fault trending 315 with the hanging wall on the NE side with a potential vertical displacement of 10m. Mineralization is observed along an E-W trending ridge structure up to 200m long. The structure has potential to be mineralized 200m long x 25m wide x 5m thick. The host rock is a medium green fine grained mafic flow with amygdules up to 5mm. Rock is weathered red-brown and has crackled brecciated appearance. Malachite staining is visible on weathered surface. The dominant rock type is medium green fine grained basalt with quartz and black amygdules. Coarse disseminated blebs of chalcocite up to 3cm were noted.


North Zone:

Host rock is a fine grained dark green vesicular mafic with 1-3mm amygdules filled with qtz, epidote and chalcocite stained with malachite. Mineralization in pit extends approximately 5m wide x15m long x2m deep. Flows at pit have a shallow dip of 10-15 degrees to south. Rock has crackled weathered appearance, minor brecciation.

PROVEN: 5,000 short tons @ 2.70% Cu

INDICATED: 17,000 short tons @ 2.70% Cu


Pomeroy 3 is a series of discontinuous mineralized outcrops, trenches and blast pits along the western edge of a flow structure, east of Pomeroy 2 and 4. Mineralization is also seen in trenches in the low lying area between Pomeroy 2 and Pomeroy 3, which is interpreted as a N-S fault extending southward between Pomeroy 3 and 4. Outcrops are medium-dark green fine-grained mafic dominated by quartz amygdules up to 1cm, black amygdules also present. Moderate silicification with some quartz veining. At Pomeroy 3 north, there is an intensely brecciated outcrop, rock is soft and friable, malachite and chalcocite occur as disseminations and fracture fillings. Clasts are angular-subangular and vary from 1-10cm. Mineralization is dominant in the matrix but also coating the clasts. This feature supports that there is a N-S trending fault potentially being the control on mineralization of Pomeroy 2, 3 and 4. Above the mafic, silicified breccia on top of the fault structure, is chalcocite, chalcopyrite and malachite mineralization.

Apparent dip of the Pomeroy 3 mineralized flow is 20 degrees south. From mineralized outcrops and neighboring mineralized pits Pomeroy 3 has a potential thickness of 7 meters.


Pomeroy 4 is a 200m long x 100m wide structure dipping approximately 15-20o to the south. Mineralization is most apparent on the eastern flank of the structure where there is series of historic pits that extend N-S approximately 70 meters long. The most northerly pit is the site where a historic bulk sample was taken for the Mill. The outcrop contains near vertical fractures that are filled with Chalcocite minor native copper and quartz. Chaotic quartz-carbonate veins and epidote stringers throughout outcrop. Chalcocite is seen disseminated throughout the rock, most noticeably next to veins. Rock has dull grey look, friable, weathered crackled appearance. The southern pit is much larger, 20m long x 15m wide x 10m+ high. Pit has disseminated chalcocite blebs throughout a dark green mafic with small <1mm black amygdules and larger <1cm quartz amygdules. Across the structure along strike is a series of pits and outcrops with weathered, friable malachite stained rock (Photo 18). The top of Pomeroy 4 structure is covered by pods and ridges of dark grey coarse grained mafic (cap flow?).

Pomeroy 3+4

PROVEN: 972,400 short tons @ 1.22% Cu

INDICATED: 472,000 short tons @ 1.62% Cu


Pomeroy 5 is east of Pomeroy 2 across the new logging road on the adjacent structure. The mineralized area is 10m long x 2m wide x 2m high. The surrounding rock is a fine grained dark green blocky mafic, whereas at the showing the rock is crackled and weathered as seen in other mineralized zones. Continuous mineralization is not observed, however a NW trending fault contained malachite staining and is traced SE to a series of small mineralized prospects with crackled weathered outcrops with malachite staining. Chalcocite mineralization is hosted in about 10% of the small black 1mm amygdules. The rest of the amygdules are quartz.

Mineral Potential: 100m x 100m x 2m x 2.66 ton/m3 = 53,200 metric tons @ 1.00% Cu


Turtle back structure 100m long (N-S) x 30m wide (E-W). Dark green-grey fine grained mafic with large amounts of Mn staining and high Fe content, highly magnetic on top of ridge. Thin 5mm quartz and epidote veins and stringers throughout outcrop. Three trenches on top of central structure,2 meters wide 2 meters deep. Chalcocite mineralization is visible at the bottom of trenches indicating thickness of 2m+. Malachite staining throughout. Mineralization observed at north end of structure, could entire structure potentially be mineralized.

19,375 short tons @ 1.74% Cu


Turtle back structure 100m long (N-S) x 30m wide (E-W). Dark green-grey fine grained mafic with large amounts of Mn staining and high Fe content, highly magnetic on top of ridge. Thin 5mm quartz and epidote veins and stringers throughout outcrop. Three trenches on top of central structure,2 meters wide 2 meters deep. Chalcocite mineralization is visible at the bottom of trenches indicating thickness of 2m+. Malachite staining throughout. Mineralization observed at north end of structure, could entire structure potentially be mineralized.

19,375 short tons @ 1.74% Cu


eries of small blasts and small pits in an area 15m x 15m. One blast trench found 6m long x 2m wide x 2m deep. Mineralization in this area if found within chaotic quartz-carbonate veins and disseminations in the wallrock proximal to veining. Veins area up to 10cm thick with mafic inclusions up to 5cm. Chalcocite and bornite are the dominant form of copper mineralization within the veins and along selvedges. Chalcocite is seen disseminated in the mafic host rock especially noticeable next to veining. Host rock is a medium-dark green fine grained mafic that has crackled, brecciated, weathered appearance.


Structure is 230m long x 50m wide x 3m thick. Light-medium green amygdaloidal fine grained andesite? It has chl, qtz, and black amygdules. Vuggy quartz clasts and amygdules. 5-10cm quartz veins with visible bornite and malachite. Veins are both vuggy and comb with comb crystal up to 2-2.5cm in length. Epidote stringers throughout. Host rock is moderately silicified giving it lighter appearance. Localized areas have crackled brecciated appearance.

Copper Bell 1 & 2 mineral zones:

112,000 short tons @ 2.55% Cu